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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lama Guru

Lama Guru literally means, "superior one." Teacher. Title for experienced and learned religious teachers, often casually used for members of the clergy in general. Tibetans take the word as "la na me pa" (insurpassable), plus "ma," (mother), alluding to the compassion a mother has for her only child. A person who, by virtue of entensive practice, study and devotion to accomplished teachers, is able to teach and transmit the Dharma. The word Lama pertains not only to the external teacher, but to the inner teacher or enlightened nature. The Lama, therefore, is one who reflects the beginingless enlightened nature of their students.
All our lama guru thangka paintings are exclusively painted on cotton canvas with natural colors extracts and gold powder paintings based on tibetan meditation buddhist texts. We offer you various collection of lama guru thangka paintings for online sales directly from artisans workshop.

Thangka Paintings

Thangka Paintings Thanka or Poubha Arts or Tibetan Sacred Paintings is old and is said to have been practiced from as early as third century B. C. in Tibet and Nepal. Thangka paintings are considered symbolic as they tell a religious story or embody the teachings of deities. These sacred painting known as Pauvha in Nepali & Newari and Thanka or Thangka in Tibetan are paraphernalia of Buddhist and Hindus experience god jotting them down in form of art in the cotton canvas. These tanka paintings generally represent Buddhist, Tibetan and Hindu Gods and deities such as Shakyamuni Buddha, Bodhisattva, Avalokiteshvara, Mandalas, Exotic pictures and more. Thankas are treated as objects of worship and are displayed in festivals, hung in the altars of shrines, monasteries and private homes as religious teaching materials and decoration.
The Thankas Paintings are depicted with different manifestations of various deities mainly buddhist deity like Shakyamuni Buddha, Buddha Life Illustrations, 5 Dhyani Buddhas, Bodhisattva Thangka , Medical Thangka, Lokeshvara, Mandala, Both Wrathful and Peaceful deities thangkas of dharma protector, lokpalas, dikpalas, dakini, supreme tantric deity, tibetan guru or rinpoche, karmapa and tibetan lineages thanka of kagyupa, gelugpa, sakyapa and nyingmapa sect and more exclusively painted on cotton canvas using various colors prepared from natural fibre, stone color, flower extracts, gold powder & paintings etc.
We present you wide collection of thangka paintings prepared based on tibetan buddhist meditation texts ranging from tibetan sacred, antique, golden gold painted thangka, newari paubha or thangka, silk brocaded thangka, japanese thangka & more bringing you for secure and reliable online shopping & sales directly from artisans workshops.

Nepali Arts

We are manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of Nepali products at wholesale price like; Statue, Thankas, Herbal, Carpet (Nepali and Tibetan), Jewellery, Handmade Paper Items, Wooden Crafts, Metal Crafts, Stone Crafts, Garments product and Buddhist item including prayer flag, stupas and incense. Please visit our Nepali products Catalogue which are given below:more info

Bajra Dhara

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